Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving from SU Women's Hockey!

Stevenson University Women's Hockey would like to wish all our recruits, supporters, and friends a very Happy Thanksgiving! We hope you have a great holiday with all your family and friends! As the brand new Women's Hockey program at Stevenson University, we have A LOT to be thankful for!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Stevenson University Women's Volleyball Makes Their First Ever NCAA Tournament Appearance!

The Stevenson University Women's Hockey program would like to congratulate the Women's Volleyball team for making their first NCAA Tournament! In the first round, the Mustangs will take their 31-3 record to Neumann University and take on Hiram (26-8) on Friday, November 11 at 5:30pm. To follow the game, visit and watch live!

Goooooo Mustangs!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Help!! What Jersey Style Would You Like to See Stevenson In?

Coach Vis and Coach Lye want your input on what jersey style the first Women's Hockey Team at Stevenson University should wear! After all, if you look good, you play good right? Take a look at the jersey options below and let us know one our survey which one is your favorite! If you have any ideas that aren't included in the survey, feel free to let us know about them through a comment!We look forward to heading your thoughts! Click here to take the survey!

Jersey Styles: